Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Are you ready to blog?

I had many discussions this last week at INAFA about this whole concept of blogging. If you are flute circle leader, I want to encourage you to consider setting up your own blog about your local flute circle as a tool to communicate to your flute circle membership. It's way simplier than trying to maintain a website, it's free and it's easy.

You've found my blog, and you are familiar with the format, so why not setup one of your own? There are very few other folks currently blogging about the NAF, but I think that this is an excellent format. You can create entries from any web browser. I can blog from the road when I am traveling. However, I can not update the NCFC website when I am on the road since that software is on my PC at home.

If you set up a blog, please send me a link to your blog, I'll be sure to post it here so that others can find your blog.

I use blogger.com, it's the Google-owned software. But there are other free blog sites out there. Here are a couple of links:

More info about blogging:
Google Blog Search:

Blog Tools

Wordpress: http://wordpress.com/
Yahoo 360:

Other NAF Blogs (that I know of, send me your link if you have one):

Scott August:
Geoffrey Ellis:
Choctaw Flutes:

1 comment:

Carl said...

It is almost as easy as you said it would be - here is our new circle ('06) at our new blog spot http://wvnativeamericanflutecircle.blogspot.com/ please help spread the word that we are on the web and thanks for the suggestion. Carl