Thursday, April 27, 2006

NAF Playing Tip #17: Follow the leader

This is the second exercise in the series of duet exercises, designed to provide you with some new ideas when playing with another flute player. This is an easy exercise.


One person leads, the other person follows. Play short phrases holding the last note.

Lead Role

The lead plays a short phrase of 3-4 notes and holds the last note. When the follower gets to the note that the lead was holding, the lead then plays another short phrase, holding the last note. Repeat. Breathe as necessary.
Note that as the lead role, the idea is not to play a phrase so difficult that the follower can't repeat it. Depending on the skill level of the two players, it's up to the lead to stay within the skill of the follower.

Follower Role

Follow by repeating the exact same phrase played by the lead, holding the last note. When the follower gets to the note that the lead was holding, the lead then plays another short phrase, holding the last note. Breathe as necessary.

After a while, switch roles. You can either stop and switch or discuss some nonverbal trigger like a nod or wink to signal the switch.

Note: in this exercise it's important for each player to hold the last note of the phrase while the other player plays. This not only builds your lung capacity but is the first step in learning to do something on the flute (i.e. play a note) while listening and memorizing the notes being played by the leader. Sounds easy? Try it...

Creative Commons License

This Playing Tip is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 2.5 License.

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