Monday, April 17, 2006

Native American Flute on Wikipedia

Did you know that the Native American Flute is now listed in Wikipedia? What's Wikipedia you ask? Wikipedia is an online "open source encyclopedia" in which all of the content is contributed by readers. It provides the capability for anyone to edit the content online.

That's where you come in. You should go online and read the content currently posted for the Native American Flute. If there is something which you don't agree with, would like to edit or if there is additional content which you would like to add, then you are encouraged to edit the content. Your edits become live immediately. The concept is that if someone adds content which is incorrect, it will be edited by someone else and verified by each new reader. With that in mind, you should be skeptical about the content posted on wikipedia, but research has shown that it's as accurate any any traditional encyclopedia, if not more up to date.

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