Monday, July 31, 2006

Beginning Native American Flute in the bay area

I excited to announce that starting this month, I will begin offering a drop-in Beginning Native American Flute class in Palo Alto on the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month.
I will be holding the class at the Marhatis Enlightenment Center in Palo Alto from 5:30 PM - 7:00 PM. Cost will be either: $60 for 3 months (6 classes) or $15 drop in.

Initially, (at least for the first 6 classes) I am starting this class as a "Beginner Class" since I know that there are a lot of folks out there who are anxious to get started on their path playing the Native American Flute. This class is actually open to all levels, and I'll work with whatever level of student attends, so that everyone learns. Overtime (or occasionally), I may evolve the class to focus on special topics/skills and I'll post the weekly topic here.

For more information check out this link. FLUTE CLASS

Following the flute class each week will be a new format of "Gentle Jam", 7 PM - 9:30 PM, hosted by Rev. Maxi Harper. This is a 'softer' drum circle featuring a variety of instruments to pull the improvized melody. Of cource Native American Flute players and the beginning flute class students will be encouraged to stay and play.

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