Sunday, October 03, 2010

Ann Licater Workshops

Oct 5 and Oct 12 Tuesday Evenings 7:30-10PM
"How to Play the Native American Flute as a Spiritual Practice"
This workshop requires no musical ability--just a desire to use your intuition to guide you on a journey with an ancient instrument.
Held at Moonfyre Metaphysical, 401 E. Campbell, Ave.
Campbell, CA 95008
Cost $125 for two classes (flute extra) Beautiful cedar flutes available for purchase at the workshop.
Register: Call 408-370-0333 to reserve Space

Oct 19th 7:30-10 PM
"Improvisation Workshop"
Held at Moonfyre Metaphysical, 401 E. Campbell, Ave. Campbell, CA 95008
This class is for anyone who has a Native American flute and has taken a beginner class or has a fundamental understanding of how to play. Ideal if you need a jump-start to your practice routine and enjoy playing in a group. Learn improvisation techniques and embellishments to take you to the next level. Special musical guest is Suellen Primost - Cellist.
Cost: $ 49
Space is limited. Call for reservations 408-370-0333 or email

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