Monday, December 31, 2007
Lakota Nation secedes from the United States
According to the story, several 'representatives' of the Lakota Nation declared that they are seceding from all treaties with the United States and Canada. Upon further research on the web, I learned that the group making the statement is called Lakota Freedom and the leader of this group is Russell Means. There seems to be some discussion about the representation of Russell and Lakota Freedom for the larger Lakota Nation.
It's also interesting, I tried to goto this link today:
But I got a message in my browser saying that "HTTP: Bad Request"... Seems like the site has been pulled down for some reason.
I'd like to learn more about this story. It's an interesting idea, seceding from the United States. One which I think the indigenous nations are entitled to if their treaties are bogus, but something that is likely to garner a interesting response from the president and the nation if indeed it's true.
Related links:
Monday, December 24, 2007
Happy Holidays
Saturday, December 15, 2007
50th Annual Grammy Awards Announced
Best Native American Music Album
(Vocal or Instrumental.)
- Oklahoma Style
Walter Ahhaitty & Friends
[SOAR] - Watch This Dancer!
Black Lodge
[Canyon Records] - The Ballad Of Old Times
Davis Mitchell
[SOAR] - Reconnections
R. Carlos Nakai, Cliff Sarde, William Eaton & Randy Wood
[Canyon Records] - Totemic Flute Chants
Johnny Whitehorse
[Silver Wave Records]
Best New Age Album
(Vocal or Instrumental.)
- Faces Of The Sun
Peter Kater
[Silver Wave Records] - Sacred Journey Of Ku -Kai, Volume 3
[Domo Records, Inc] - One Guitar
Ottmar Liebert
[Spiral Subwave Records] - Southwest
Eric Tingstad
[Cheshire Records] - Crestone
Paul Winter Consort
[Living Music]
For a complete listing:
Friday, December 14, 2007
INAFA Convention 2008 Announced
The evening performers list is as follows, thus far ... (each evening features three performers):
- R. Carlos Nakai
- Kevin Locke Joseph Fire Crow
- Sonny Nevaquaya
- Michael Graham Allen (Coyote Oldman)
- Xavier Quijas Yxayotl
- Ash Dargan
- Autumn's Child
- The Peter Phippen Quartet
- Rafael Bejarano
- FIFTH WORLD: The New World Music of Will Clipman, Ash Dargan, and Andrew Begay
So it looks like there will be several group performances at the next INAFA convention. This should be a very entertaining event.
INAFA welcomes performance, presentation, and workshop proposals on a variety of subjects dealing with world music, world flutes, Native American music, Native American culture, Native American flutes, and anything that is of interest to their membership and the convention participants.
For further information, please visit the INAFA Web site at:
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Special Thanks to Loping Wolf
The day started early and slow with folks starting to trickle into the event starting with vendors before 9 AM. There were lot's things to look at. Fairyring Mushroom, Brian Revheim and Lew Price all had flutes for sale. Robin and Ricardo had some wonderful jewelry and handmade arrows and Dave the Drum maker had a selection of Ashikos and Djembes.
Mike and Alex set up the sound system early and a few brave souls serenaded the early arrivals. Things kicked off a little after 10 am with Ricardo presenting an opening blessing. This was followed by Doc who danced and told us some wonderful stories. Food was served around 11 AM and following this there were some wonderful open mic performances until the workshops started a little after noon.
I presented an "Absolute Beginners Workshop" to a wonderful group of 17 newbies, who all tried every exercise I asked them to and exceeded my expectation (Great Job!).
Dan R presented the next workshop along with his recording partner Pat who played the piano keyboard. The focus of this workshop was on playing with other instruments. Dan and Par have just completed the recording of a new CD with piano music which is designed to easily play along with on your pentatonic tuned flutes. Dad demonstrated several songs and Pat played live while the students all had the chance to experiment with the song. The students all left with a copy of the CD.
Finally Mary Youngblood presented a workshop on Ornamentation to an excited group of folks. Lots of wonderful sounds came from the workshop room during this workshop. Mary was there all day selling CD's, songbooks and generally greeting everyone who wanted to chat.
We were amazed with the view of a wonderful sunset from the Lake of the Pines clubhouse with the lake in the background and the colors of the sunset painting the water a memorable hue.
Once again a fun event all around. Thank you Loping Wolf!
Weekend Events: Dec 14 - 17

NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that other can know!
- Remember Hawk Littlejohn - Please take a moment at sunrise or sunset to play a song in rembrance of Hawk Littlejohn. Hawk's influence is a part of almost every flute makers path whether they knew him personally or not. As result we need to all be thankful for the wonderful spirit that Hawk preserved this this instrument that we all love so much...
If you never had the opportunity to meet Hawk, purchase or borrow the "Songkeepers" video and you'll be able to understand how Hawk was able to influence the path of so many people.
Saturday, Dec 15
Monday, Dec 17
Friday, December 07, 2007
Mark Holland: The Greatest Gift
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Sale for Stellar Flutes: Dec 9
Weekend Events: Dec 7 - 9

NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that other can know!
Saturday, Dec 9
- Loping Wolf Winter Gathering, Lake of the Pines Clubhouse, Auburn, 9 AM - 7 PM
(Note you must RSVP before the event to attend) - Bay Clan, Holiday Concert at Ronald McDonald House, 520 Sand Hill Road, Palo Alto, CA , 3-5 PM
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
New Music Book from Jessica Walsh

I discovered a wonderful new songbook for anyone who's looking for new music to play on the Native American Flute. It's called "Music for Native American Flute, Volume One", by Jessica Walsh. The publisher sent me a review copy and I fell in love with it.
First of all, this book has been around for a while (2005), it just hasn't been very well advertised until now. The book has the sheetmusic (Nakai Tab + flute pictographs) for 40 songs. There is a companion CD included on which Jessica plays all of the songs on a variety of flutes.
What I really love about this book is the variety of world music included. Jessica
a has songs from around the world, including folk tunes from Scotland, Ecuador, France, Walsh, Ireland, Japan, Greece, Israel, Palestine, Canada plus a few classical tunes. No where else have I seen a such a refreshing collection of tunes all transcribed for the modern-tuned (pentatonic 6-hole) Native American Flute. There are nine tunes written entirely in the basic pentatonic scale and will be easy for beginners to start with (no cross-fingering). Beyond that the rest of the songs will keep any advanced beginner to intermediate flute player challenged for a while.
Here's my favorite quote from the book:
"Flutes are like horses; they act as mirrors of the spirit"
This book is listed as "Volume One". I sure hope that Jessica is successful enough with this publication that she continues to deliver more high quality and unique songbooks like this one.
If you're interested in purchasing this book, I will have it for sale at the Loping Wolf Winter Gathering this weekend (Dec 9, 2007). Otherwise you can contact me directly for purchase.
New Pandora Music Service

I've created a couple sample radio stations to test it. Here's the Radio Stations which I created and the behavior of the selected tunes. Note that selecting an artist doesn't necessarily play all of the songs from their album(s). The first song it plays is from the selected artist, then it begins to play related music.
For example: I started with "Mary Youngblood" and it played the first song from her album: "Feed the Fire". The following songs it chose to play were from a more folk, vocal, guitar genre, not Native American Music. Not exactly what I wanted.
The second example I chose was R. Carlos Nakai. This choice seemed to produce a station with Native American Flute music in the likes of Robert Tree Cody
Choosing "Peter Kater" created a station of new age piano music including David Lanz, Jim Brickman, etc.
If you want to try a different path, you can select from their Genre list for a different variety of music.
Here's the link:
I haven't been listening long, but I already like it. You are required to create an account after a short period of listening, but it's free. You do have to provide your birth year, zip code and gender when registering, but this is used to target the advertising which plays at the bottom of the website (I clipped it from my screenshot above, I didn't want to advertise for them....)
Looks like you can also pay a $36 per year fee to get it without the advertising.
For more information:
If you discover some interesting radio station, post a comment with the artist(s) which you selected.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Friday Fun : Papercraft Fish
Thursday, November 29, 2007
REMINDER: NCFC Winder Gathering sponsored by Loping Wolf
Complete details are on the Loping Wolf website.
I hope to see everyone of you there!
What: 2007 NCFC/Loping Wolf Winter Gathering
When: Sunday, December 9th
Time: 9 AM - 7 PM
COST: $15 prepaid
Where: Lake of the Pines Clubhouse (the big one this year!)
NCFC Weekend Events: Nov 30 - Dec 1

NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that other can know!
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Moaning Cavern - Pictures of the cavern itself...
Although Mary Youngblood was the "human star"of the Moaning Cavern event, even she'll admit that the real star for the evening was the cavern itself. If you've never had the opportunity to visit Moaning Caverns, it's a real treat. In the first photo above, you see the "Draperies", which form on the walls of cavern. They look soft, but they're "hard as a rock"...
This photo is a wonderful stalagmite on floor of the cavern. It looks small but its more than 20 feet tall from top to bottom. There are no stalagmites or stalagtites in Moaning Cavern which have reached from the floor to the ceiling. The cavern is too young and too tall. If my memory serves me right, the stalagmite above took over 200,000 years to form...
Monday, November 19, 2007
Mary Youngblood - More Moaning Caverns Pictures
Here are several folks from the Loping Wolf clan warming up prior to heading down to the cavern (LtoR: Alex, Dan, Francesca, Mike, Mary, Mike)
Here's a picture of Mary relaxing before the event. (Doesn't she look relaxed!). It was a fun afternoon with Mary prior to the adventure into the cavern. We all had a chance to relax, eat and play flutes together and with Mary as we prepared for the evenings' event.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
NCFC Weekend Events: Nov 17-20

NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that other can know!
Friday, Nov 16
- Ann Licater, One-hour Musical Journey Meditation, San Mateo, 7-8 p.m.
- Mariee Sioux w/Gentle Thunder, CD Release Party, Grass Valley, 8 PM
More Photos from Moaning Caverns
Thanks Rocky!
Sunday, November 11, 2007
10,000 Page view milestone
I appreciate your support and interest this blog.
- Mike
Friday, November 09, 2007
Native American Flute How-To Articles
If you're a beginner, start with article #1 and work your way up the list as you master each lesson.
If you're more advanced, browse the list for interesting article which are relevant to your skills.
If you have a question that you'd like to have answered here in a "How-To" article, send your question in an email to:
mike DOT oitzman AT gmail DOT com
Scott August new release: Lost Canyons

[Updated Nov 9]
2 Raven Dance
3 Desert Skies
4 Where Spirits Dwell
5 Swallow & Nighthawks
6 Thunder on the Mesa
7 Thermals
8 Lost Canyons
9 Huukyangw (Wind)
10 Chasing the Sun
11 Twilight Canyon
12 Evening Star
Thursday, November 08, 2007
NCFC Weekend Events: Nov 9-11

NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that other can know!
Saturday, Nov 10
- NoNahme Clan Flute Circle, Golden Gecko, Garden Valley, 1 PM
- Suscol Intertribal Council Annual Art and Wine Auction, 5-9PM, Yountville
Sunday, Nov 11
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
The Maui Xaphoon
Monday, November 05, 2007
Mary Youngblood in Concert: Nov 6th
What: Mary Youngblood in Concert
When: 7 PM, November 6th, 2007
Cost: Free
Autumns Child Christmas Album: The Greatest Gift Now Available
2 O Come, O Come Emmanuel
3 Greatest Gift
4 Bring A Torch Jeanette Isabella / Conventry Carol
5 First Snowfall
6 Simeon & Anna's Song
7 Carol Of The Bells
8 God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
9 O Come All Ye Faithful
10 Rejoicing
11 Silent Night
12 Sleigh Ridin'
13 Wind Of Heaven
14 We Will Exalt You
Friday, November 02, 2007
Release your Stress
Problems with NCFC Flickr Pool
Here's the link to my Flickr photos:
I will continue to add historical NCFC photos from my digital archives in the coming months.
We'll get things resolved the NCFC site, as I am working to set this up so that all of the NCFC Flute Circle Leaders can publish Flute Circle photos in one place.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
New NCFC Flickr Photo Pool
Here's the link:
If you have photos from Mary Youngblood concert at Moaning Cavern last weekend, I have created a set of photos from this event. Please add your photos to this set.
More Moaning Caverns Photos
NOTE: Rocky is using a photo service called Flickr, I am planning to setup an NCFC Flicker Pool for everyone to post their photos from NCFC events. I hope to get that online in the next couple days.
NCFC Weekend Calendar: Nov 2 - 4
NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that other can know!
Saturday, Nov 3
Monday, October 29, 2007
Memories from Moaning Caverns with Mary Youngblood
Here's a picture of Mary practicing and warming up on her guitar before the event:
The trip down into the cavern was pretty treacherous for the first 90 steps, especially when you were carrying an armful of instruments. Here's some NCFC members entering the cavern.
It was an amazing event (from my perspective). We started the show by turning out all of the lights and playing in the pitch black at the bottom of the cavern. Folks were sitting on the floor of the cavern, on the stairs and at the landing at the top of the cavern. For the first song (in the pitch black), David Blonski started with the didj (wow!), then the rest of the NCFC member came in with percussion, followed by the flutes. I've played my flute in the dark many times but this was the first time that I have played and improvized with other folks in the dark. It was a spiritual experience for me to listen and play without my vision. The experience is still difficult to describe. But we all sensed the end of the song intuitively and ended beautifully. The rest of the concert featured Mary on flute and guitar. We backed her up on percussion and a few folks played either with Mary or on their own.
At the end, Mary played a happy birthday rendition for folks celebrating their birthdays that night. Here's a photo of Mary serenading the birthday folks:
I am posting all of the pictures on the NCFC website here:
Check the website and blog often this week as I'll post more pictures as I receive them. If you have some pictures to be featured, please send them my way: mike DOT oitzman AT gmail DOT com
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Moaning Caverns: TODAY!
NOTE: don't bring your drum unless it has a synthetic skin head - it won't survive the humidity of the cavern and will be unplayable underground...
Friday, October 26, 2007
NCFC Weekend Calendar: Oct 26 -28
NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that other can know!
Saturday, October 21
- Mary Youngblood and NCFC at Moaning Caverns, 6 - 7:30 PM. Call for ticket availability. (NCFC Members meet at 3 PM for pre-flute circle and practice, bring your dinner)
- NoNahme Clan Flute Circle, 2-3, Marshall Grange, Garden Valley
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
SkinSongs: Women on the Drum
Mary Youngblood Performance for Save Ourselves

Monday, October 22, 2007
Fall NCFC Voice of the Circle Newsletter Online
Note: Your membership number and membership expiration date is printed on the label for your mailing, this will help you know when your membership is set to expire.
If you are a new member and waiting for your membership card, your membership card was printed, laminated and included with your newsletter. If you are still waiting for your membership card (and don't receive it with the Fall Newsletter) please contact me at: ncfc AT naflute dot com
Friday, October 19, 2007
Reminder: Moaning Caverns with Mary Youngblood
Here's the link for tickets:
Also, Mary has invited a limited number of NCFC members to play with her during the concert. You must be a current NCFC member and RSVP (and space is limited) for this event.
To RSVP send an email to Dan Dicicco: flutecircle AT lopingwolf DOT com
NCFC Weekend Calendar: Oct 19 - 21
NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that other can know!
Saturday, October 20
Sunday, October 21
Monday, October 15, 2007
Memories from a weekend with Xavier
Story by Antonio Silva, October 10, 2007
First let me start by telling you how I came to knowing about Xavier Quijas Yxayotl. I started playing the NAF (self taught) over a year ago and I was searching the internet for different ways on playing the NAF.
I came across the link to Robert "Tree" Cody and follow another link to his video performance of "Cross Roads". In this performance he was doing a duet with Xavier Quijas Yxayotl.
I took a look at Xavier flutes and said WOW! I got to have one of those. So I inquired with my internet friend "Google" searched and found Xavier's web page.
I did some more inquiring and got some information on the Clay Flute Making Workshop and registered for the workshop.
Now the day came for the workshop and being a “wood carver” I went into that day thinking I could make a triple flute right off the bat. Slow down..... I found out I had a hard time making my first ocarina.
So after my 5th ocarina, which making them became easier, I start my first flute. Rolling out the clay and placing it around the "template" was simple enough but when it came to making the mouth piece and tuning the flute, Xavier is a Master and was there to help everyone in class.
There were a few things that impressed me about Xavier during the workshop. First, he always started his workshop with a ceremony thanking everyone for being there and wishing everyone a great day. (see figure 2 below)

When making our flutes and ocarina's Xavier was always going back to his roots and recalling the history and tradition of Mayan/Aztecan Flute Making.
Last but not least, we all hear news stories about these professional singers or band members and the bad ways they treat their fans. Well Xavier is NOT like them. Xavier is gracias, knowledgeable and overall a very nice man.
All in all, I made 5 ocarinas and 3 flutes. And yes, one of the flutes was a triple flute. (See figure 3 for a picture of all of the flutes made during the weekend workshop).
I'm looking forward to taking his next workshop.

I also want to give thanks to David Loo for organizing the workshop and for Nancy P. for allowing us to use her home for the workshop.
NOTE FROM MIKE: As Antonio wrote in his story, Xavier truly is a unique and wonderful spirit. We always welcome him with open arms when he visits Northern California. I hope that many of you will enroll in his flute making workshop the next time that we're able bring Xavier up for a visit. Thanks to Antonio for submitting this story about his experience at the recent clay flute making workshop with Xavier Quijax Xyxototl.
Friday, October 12, 2007
Women's Drumming Class - Palo Alto
WHEN: October 8-29, November 5,19, 26 December 10-17
TIME: Beginning class: 6:30-7:50 PM
Intermediate class 8:00- 9:30 PM--(if not yet entered into
this class, please speak to me.)
WHERE: St Andrew's Methodist Church, 4111 Alma St, Palo Alto, CA
COST: $135 for each series***Drop-in $20 per class No drop in for
WHEN: October 11-25,November 1,15,29 December 6-20
TIME: Beginning class: 6:30-7:50 PM
Intermediate class 8:00- 9:30 PM--(if not yet entered into
this class, please speak to me.)
WHERE: Unity of Palo Alto, 3391 Middlefield Rd, Palo Alto.
Cost: $135 for each series***Drop-in $20 per class. No drop in for
Extra drums are available.
For more info contact: zorina AT villageheartbeat DOT com
Thursday, October 11, 2007
NCFC Weekend Calendar: Oct 12-14
NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that other can know!
Saturday, October 13
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Historical Northern California Flute music?
To my limited knowledge, I have not heard of the existence of any flute music tradition in the tribes of Northern California. But someone out there may know more about the musical traditions of the Northern California tribes, so I am asking you...
You can respond in the comments, or send me an email and I'll post your comments (anonymously if you choose) in a future blog entry. Thanks!
email: ncfc AT naflute DOT com
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Weekend Event Calendar: Sept 28 - 30

NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that other can know!
Friday, September 28
- Clay Flute Making Class with Xavier Quijas Yxayotl, San Jose, All Day
- Central Coast Native American Flute Fest '07, Guadalupe, CA, 2 PM
Sunday, September 30
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Mike Oitzman and Friends in Concert, Sept 28th
Here the details:
WHEN : Friday the 28th, 7:30 p.m.
WHAT: Placer Nature Center 4th Friday Lecture Series Ethno Botany: Ancient Wisdom for the Earth (Ecological Medicine) featuring Sage La Pena, Nomtipom – Wintu Cultural Educator, ethno botanist, author, herbalist and historian will share the indigenous perspective for personal and global healing and health. Native American flute recital opens lecture.
WHERE: Unity of Auburn, 1212 High St., Auburn.
COST (for the lecture): $12 ($10 members, $8 students) Discount available for full series.
CONTACT: Placer Nature Center, (530) 878-6053 or for info or tickets.
Check out Nash's website

Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Ancient Music for a New Generation - Xavier Quijas Yxayotl
Xavier is also presenting a clay flute making workshop this weekend (Saturday and Sunday).
You find complete details on Northern California Flute Circle Calendar.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Save the Date: Oct 27th, Moaning Caverns with Mary Youngblood
It's a special place for Mary and you're invited to join her to hear her play and to experience playing yourself. Once again, Dan, Sheree and the Loping Wolf Clan are helping to coordinate this event. To attend, you'll need to RSVP to reserve your spot.
WHEN: OCT 27, 2007
WHERE: Moaning Caverns
RSVP: send an email to: flutecircle AT lopingwolf DOT com
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Weekend Event Calendar: Sept 21 -23
NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that other can know!
Saturday, September 15
Sunday, September 16
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
NCFC Central in Europe this week
Here is a link to search their collection of instruments:
Note that this user interface is in French, (and I couldn't find a way to save a search or select an English interface for the search), but if you select the button next to the words: "Instruments de musique" and then type your search (e.g. "flute" without quotes) into the box with the words: "Saisir la recherche" and press the return key, you should get a results list of a pictures of all of the instruments in their collection matching your search.
Friday, September 14, 2007
Sacred Washoe Site: Cave Rock preserved
The interesting aspect of this story is that highway 50 is drilled right though the rock in question. If you've ever driven around the east side of Lake Tahoe, you have passed through the tunnel(s) which go through Cave Rock.
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Weekend Event Calendar: Sept 14 - 16
NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that other can know!
There are no NCFC sponsored Flute Circles this weekend. But I hope that you get out and enjoy some nature!
Saturday, September 15
Sunday, September 16
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Indigenous Peoples Day, Oct 5 - Oct 8, Nevada City
Note: There used to be a celebration on October 8th for some lost explorer, but I think that this should be a much more exciting event!
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Weekend Event Calendar: Sept 7 - 9
Friday, September 7th
Saturday, September 8th
- Loping Wolf Flute Circle at Eagle Falls, South Lake Tahoe
- Ann Licater, Beginning NAF Workshop, Placerville, CA 10 AM-5 PM
- Stillwater PowWow, Redding CA (All Weekend)
Sunday, August 26th