Monday, February 06, 2006

Xavier Quijas Yxayotl in Concert on March 12

Mark your calendars now for a rare opportunity to see Xavier Quijas Yxayotl performing live in the Bay Area at the Mexica New Year Ceremony taking place on March 11 - 12 2006. For those who haven't seen Xavier or heard about his amazing "fire flute" playing on stage, this will be a real treat.

Below is the Tentative Schedule of Event:

Saturday, March 11
6 AM Sunrise Ceremony and Honoring of our Elders
8 AM Preparation of our Ceremonial Circle
10 AM - 4 PM: Music and Dance Ceremony
Including representatives from the following nations: Ohlone, Washoe, Zunis and Mexicas
12 noon: Begins In Toka Tokaitl "Siembra de Nombres" Mexica Naming Ceremony.
5 PM: Live Entertainment from San Jose: Lado Oriente (Cumbias) and Tecpot (Hip-hop)

Sunday, March 12
12 noon: Tianguiz Market place opens up
1:30 PM: Live Performance by Xavier Quijas Yxayotl
2:30 PM: All Nations Drum Group and Medicine Warrior Dancers from Oakland, CA
:00 PM: Lawrey Bagey (World Class Navaho Hoop Dancer)
3:30 PM: Keynote Speaker Ocelocoatl (Mexico Tenochtitlan)

Other Activities: There will be a traditional Indigenous Market Place all weekend, Food will be available for Sale, Raffles, Kids Activities and More.

Sponsors: This event is realized with the help and hard work of the following organizations: Indigenous Peoples Council, Native Voice TV, El Observador Publications, Resources for Family and Community, SEIU Local 715 Latino Caucus, Gardner Advisory Council and Calpulli Tonalehqueh

For more informaion, contact: Calpulli Tonalehequeh, Yei Tochtlin Mitlalpilli 408.576.7151: Direct 408.324.6215: Cell 408.570.4666: email: mitlalpilli AT hotmail DOT com

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