Saturday, February 25, 2006

Surprise Gift pack

I arrived home from vacation this week to find an nice fat package in my mail box! It was a gift package of CD's from Gary Stroutsos. I've been chatting with Gary via email the last month about the upcoming INAFA conference, where Gary will be performing on stage with Will Clipman. I also recently downloaded Gary's latest CD project with David Lanz:: Spirit Romance (see the "what's in my CD player link on the left nav bar of the blog). I had asked Gary about the flutes that he played on Spirit Romance, since one disadvantage to downloading songs on iTunes is that you don't get the liner notes. In response, Gary sent me a copy of the Spirit Romance CD (look for an upcoming CD review in a future blog posting) along with copy of the excellent Makoche Masters, a copy of Quiet Fire - Zen Moods for the Spa experience (featuring Gary, Will Clipman and William Eaton), a copy of Oru:the natural order and a copy of Inside Canyon de Chelly (featuring Gary Stroutsos and Paul Thompson). I wanted to thank Gary publically and encourage anyone who hasn't discovered Gary's music to give it a spin, he's a great flutist, in my opinion.

WOW! I've had fun this week, working and listening to all of this great flute music. Gary and I go back to a master class that Gary presented in Calistoga 5 years ago. Bob Bellus brought Gary down from Seattle for an "all NCFC" performance and workshop. I was fortunate to attend. Now I'd like to do the same: bring Gary back to No Cal for a master class and a small schedule of performances sometime this year. Maybe we can even get Gary to bring David Lanz with him. Let me know your thoughts on this idea, and I'll see what we can do to make it happen.

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