Monday, March 27, 2006

Bay Clan Circle coming up on April 2!

Frankie Sierra sent the following information about the upcoming NCFC Bay Clan Flute Circle:

EVENT: March Bay Clan Flute Circle and Flute Play Along Experiment
DATE: Sunday, March 33rd (April 2nd), 2006
TIME: 4 to 7 pm
LOCATION: Sunnyvale, CA (send e-mail to organizer for details)
HOST: Ruth
ORGANIZER: Frankie Sierra 1-408-204-FLUTE, bayclan AT naflute DOT com

SCHEDULE: (Important: remember this day to push the clock forward 1 hour for daylight savings time).
4:00 PM: Short Stories and Poems with Flute Play Along (45 minutes).
4:45 PM: CD Music with Flute Play Along (45 minutes).
5:30 PM: Potluck social, and INAFA convention talks (30 minutes).
6:00 PM: Group Fluting Games (30 minutes).
6:30 PM: Open flute time.
Ongoing: Douglas Spotted Eagle First Breath DVD playing on laptop.

1. Flute play along with poems, stories, and popular music.
2. We will try some group fluting games for a change.
3. First Breath DVD will be showing in the background for those who haven't seen it before, or in a long time.

WHAT TO BRING:Let see...oh yes, your flutes, of course. Since we will behaving a potluck, and dish to share will be great. I will bring a KFC bucket, so you can plan on complementing around that. And our hostess will provide drinks. For the play along segments, you may want to think of a favorite poem, short story, or music CD you would like to share with others.If you know people interested in native flute playing, or just listening, please invite them as well. And we always welcome other instruments to play along with (eg: drums, didg's,guitars, etc).

THINGS TO TALK ABOUT: It's time to start planning for INAFA convention in August. We will need a few volunteers for staffing the INAFA booth,and also for helping visitors and vendors during conventionhours. I will like to suggest we create a signoff sheet for volunteers so they can choose the hour slots they can commit. This way people can plan attending some of the events, andvolunteer at times around the events of interest. Bob DeMattei also informed me, that we may need some temporary storage help for vendors who would like to ship stuff ahead of the event, but we may be running short on facilities for such storage at the venue. And we can also talk about hosting musicians from Autum's Child band (Mark Hollands group) on the evening of August 4th. We have pledges to accomodate 2 out of 3 (thus we are still looking for accomodations for the last musician).

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