Sunday, October 03, 2010
Ann Licater Workshops
"How to Play the Native American Flute as a Spiritual Practice"
This workshop requires no musical ability--just a desire to use your intuition to guide you on a journey with an ancient instrument.
Held at Moonfyre Metaphysical, 401 E. Campbell, Ave.
Campbell, CA 95008
Cost $125 for two classes (flute extra) Beautiful cedar flutes available for purchase at the workshop.
Register: Call 408-370-0333 to reserve Space
Oct 19th 7:30-10 PM
"Improvisation Workshop"
Held at Moonfyre Metaphysical, 401 E. Campbell, Ave. Campbell, CA 95008
This class is for anyone who has a Native American flute and has taken a beginner class or has a fundamental understanding of how to play. Ideal if you need a jump-start to your practice routine and enjoy playing in a group. Learn improvisation techniques and embellishments to take you to the next level. Special musical guest is Suellen Primost - Cellist.
Cost: $ 49
Space is limited. Call for reservations 408-370-0333 or email
Please click the “like” button on her new fan page at to learn about appearances, events and new releases as they are announced.
Friday, September 24, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Yosemite Flute Festival, Here I come...
Friday, September 17, 2010
Indigenous Peoples Days 2010
The traditional “Calling Back the Salmon” ceremony begins on Saturday, October 9, with a sunrise ceremony at Parks Bar, on the south fork of the Yuba River. Traditional ‘spirit runners’ will carry a salmon seven miles upstream from Parks Bar to Bridgeport State Park. Midway, in the town of Smartsville, the runners will be honored by local residents. At Bridgeport, the runners will cross the river and honor the salmon in a simple, ancient riverside ceremony, followed by a salmon feast.
On Sunday the celebration shifts to Pata Panaka, the site of an ancient Maidu village, now the Maidu Active Cultural Center, just outside Nevada City. Descendants of famous native Americans, including Geronimo, Wovoka, and Sitting Bull, will join with the Inca, Maori, and Hopi healers in a series of descendants Circles. The all day celebration also includes traditional Hawaiian dancing, Native flute, women’s drum circles and other music, dance, and story telling. The Maori and Inca people will be offering healing ceremonies.
On Monday afternoon at Miners Foundry in downtown Nevada City, a mother drum will hold the stage as descendants, elders, youth and others discuss healing soul wounds, reviving the Maidu language, healing the earth of mercury and other remnants of the gold rush., and gaining federal recognition. The four day celebration ends with the Richard Prout Memorial Dinner, in honor of the past chair of the Colfax-Todds Valley Consolidated tribe.
The all volunteer, drug and alcohol free event is free and open to the public. Sunday and Monday will be broadcast live on KVMR, KFOK, and KZFR community radio stations. Contributions are requested. Guests are asked to bring table ware and seating to the outdoor events.
For more info visit or call 530-477-0711.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Live Blogging from Yosemite Flute Festival 2010
For those of you who can't attend this year, I will once again be "live blogging" from the event. I'll post pictures and stories from the event so that you can at least experience some of the fun. Be sure to check this blog frequently next weekend for the latest posts.
For more information check out the Yosemite Flute Festival website.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Special appearance by Mary Youngblood at Yosemite Flute Festival
WHAT: Mary Youngblood with Tony Redhouse, Joe Young and Albert Tenaya
WHEN: Friday, Sept 24, 2010
WHERE: Oakhurst, CA
WEBSITE: Yosemite Flute Festival Performances
More Details:
If you have not yet purchased tickets for the Friday evening concert now is the time to do this!
To purchase advance tickets call: (559) 641-5980 and tickets will be held for you at will call!
If you're attending, please consider volunteering some time to help make the event a success:
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Volunteers needed for the Yosemite Flute and Art Festival
WHAT: Playing the Blues on the NAF Workshop
WHEN: Saturday, Sept 25, 2010, 1-3 PM
WHERE: Yosemite Flute and Art Festival, Oakhurst CA
For more detail about the Yosemite Flute and Art Festival
I am also responsibile again this year for organizing the volunteers who help make this event possible. So if you are planning to attend, and can volunteers a couple hours of your time, we would really appreciate it.
The Yosemite Flute and Art Festival Volunteer Schedule is now online. Please check out the schedule and send an email to: with your requested task(s) and times. I am accepting requests on a first come, first served basis. We'll start to fill in the online schedule as the slots fill up.
Thanks for your participation, and hope to see you there!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Learn to Play the Blues on the Native American Flute
I've spent the summer rethinking how to improve the workshop and I think that I discovered some great ideas which will make the workshop a great experience. The companion book is completely rewritten, and I am now rerecording some new tracks for the CD which accompanies the book.
The workshop will focus on teaching you the basic 12 bar blues song form. We'll explore various versions of the chord structure of the 12 bar blues. Then we'll learn the basic "Blues Scale" for the Native American Flute and spend the rest of the workshop learning to improvise blues music on the Native American Flute. Past students have really enjoyed the experience of learning one of their favorite music genres on the Native American Flute.
The book and CD will be avialable for purchase outside of the workshop, if you are unable to attend the festival or if you are unable to attend the workshop while at the festival. I'll post a future blog with details on how to purchase the book and CD after the festival.
WHAT: Playing the Blues on the NAF Workshop
WHEN: Saturday, Sept 25, 2010, 1-3 PM
WHERE: Yosemite Flute and Art Festival, Oakhurst CA
More details, click on Playing the Blues on the NAF Workshop
For more detail about the Yosemite Flute and Art Festival
Friday, May 21, 2010
Weekend Events: May 22-23, 2010

NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that others can know!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Sierra Flutes
Sierra Flutes features the talents of our very own Alex Marshall and Ed Easter. Alex has been a NCFC member and supporter for many, many years. He's finally decided to pursue his passion to make flutes together with master craftsman Ed Easter. We call Alex the "Flute Doctor" because of his inate ability to tweak a poor sounding flute and get better sound quality out of it. If you've been to Loping Wolf flute circle recently, then you've had the chance to play one of Alex/Ed's flutes.
Check out their new website:
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Free Native Flute Music Downloads at Amazon
Not sure how long it will last, so download it while you can.
Friday, May 07, 2010
Weekend Events: May 7-9, 2010

NOTE: If I missed an event for the weekend, please add a comment with event info so that others can know!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
- Stanford Pow Wow, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
- Sierra Raven Flute Circle, 2-4 PM, Sonora CA,
- NoNahme Flute Circle, 1:30 - 4 PM, Georgetown, CA
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Upcoming Events
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Music for Healing & Transition Program in Tucson
WHAT: Music for Healing & Transition Program (MHTP)
WHERE: Tucson, AZ
WHEN: Module 1 July 10-11, 2010.
DETAILS: Applications must be submitted by June 1, 2010.
More info and to request an application:
Melinda Gardiner, RN, CMP
Executive Director
Music for Healing & Transition Program, Inc.
22 West End Road
Hillsdale, NY 12529
fax: 518-325-3089
Monday, April 19, 2010
New Flutes at Earth Tone Flutes
Geoffrey says that we'll post the new crop of flutes on his website on Tuesday, April 20th at 12:00 noon (Pacific Standard Time)!
This will be a mix of some NAFs, a couple of Xiao, a couple of Irish style and some Anasazi flutes. There will only be 9 NAFs, so don't wait too long to drop by once Tuesday noon rolls around.
Just come to and click on "In Stock" in the nav menu.
Note that Earth Tone Flutes are also offering a Jeff Ball Signature flute.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Beginning Native American Flute Class in Nevada City
This is an 8 week class, and no experience is necessary. All ages are welcome, although it will be an evening class.
I learned about Greenhouse School of Music when Rick Aeschliman introduced me to Rick Kirkpatrick at the Winter NCFC Gathering in December that the Loping Wolf Flute Circle coordinated. Rick Kirkpatrick is the program director at the Greenhouse School of Music. Rick had the vision, along with a few other folks, and formed the Greenhouse School of Music over the last year to help fill the need for the waining music and arts programs in our public schools. Together with several other folks, created Greenhouse School of Music as a community resource. Rick Kirkpatrick is a long time guitar teacher and one of the key folks behind "The 13", a teenage music band experience.
I am honored and excited to be a part of this inaugural session of classes starting next month. Most of you know my experience as a teacher, having taught hundreds of individuals over the last 10 years, and as director of the Northern California Flute Circle. I am looking forward to this next adventure on my flute path.
What: Beginning Native American Flute
When: Wednesday Evenings, 6-7 PM, April 7 - May 26
Cost: Cost / 8 weeks - $160. Registration Deadline: April 2
How to register: Call or visit the school.
138 New Mohawk Road, Nevada City, CA / 530.265.8200
Rick Kirkpatrick 530-477-7586 email:
Link to class:
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
CampOcean Pines & CCFC Flute/Drum Workshop
What: Central Coast Flute Circle Flute & Drum Workshop
Where: Camp Ocean Pines
This weekend gathering, the fourth in the series, will encompass as many as possible of all the suggestions, comments, feelings that we experienced during the Fall workshop, such as, “more drumming”, “more time to practice the new exercise”, “let’s play more". All levels are encouraged to attend. There will be a special beginners class early in the afternoon in flute playing or drumming that will get you started.
See schedule at
A one to one session with Vince to address your fluting needs!
Combining flute with drum so you do not have to choose which class to go to!
For more information go to or call Bill Timothy at 805 927-3993
3 day options
$239 - April 8-11, 2010, 3 nights lodging, 8 meals and all instruction
$205 - April 8-11, 2010, offsite lodging, includes all meals except breakfast
2 day options
$190 - April 9-11, 2010, 2 nights, 5 meals and all instruction
$161 - April 9-11, 2010, offsite lodging, includes all meals except breakfast
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Haiti Fundraiser by Burning Wood Flutes
Keith makes awesome flutes, so this is a opportunity to get a new flute and to help the Haiti situation. It looks like they have a lot of inventory to offer for the fundraisers. There are a lot of flutes in a variety of keys.
For complete details, here's the link to their site:
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Maidu Museum Opening Day
When: Saturday, February 13th, 2010
Where: Maidu Museum & Historic Site
Address: 1970 Johnson Ranch Drive, Roseville, CA 95661
Phone: (916) 774–5934
Opening Program: 9:30am
Guided Tours 10am & 1pm/Storytelling 11:30am & 2:30pm
New Exhibits Come Alive 12:00-1pm
Speaker: Dugan Aguilar
Deeper Than Gold 7:00pm
Friday, January 22, 2010
Learn to Improvise on the Native American Flute (with Cello)
When: Jan 26th, 2010
Time: 7:15-10 PM
Where: Held at Moonfyre Metaphysical, 401 E. Campbell, Ave. Campbell, CA 95008
Special Guest Suellen Primost, Cellist
Learn improvisation techniques on flute. Enjoy the rare opportunity to play with a master cellist. Explore digital effects and mic technique., This class is for anyone who has taken a Native American flute class or has a fundamental understanding of how to play.
Space is limited.
Call for reservations 408-370-0333 or email
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Musical Echoes 2010 Players competition deadline
If you're planning on going and representing Northern California and the festival, be sure to get your application in.
For more details, see our website at:
Musical Echoes 2010
April 23, 24, 25
Ft. Walton Beach, FL
Thursday, January 07, 2010
Gary Stroutsos and Will Clipman Concert in AZ
World flutist and cultural storyteller Gary Stroutsos accompanied by percussionist Will Clipman will be appearing Friday, January 29th at 8:00pm at the Kerr Cultural Center located at 6110 N. Scottsdale Rd, just south of the Borgata.
"Stroutsos performs world flute music drawn from traditional cultures. Evoking a spirit of place, and the voices of the land, his work includes internationally acclaimed recordings at sacred sites. Gary has had a unique career of recording flute music inspired by his travels. His passion is to share the cultural legacies which have been shared with him. World Percussionist Will Clipman joins Stroutsos for this amazing evening."
Tickets are on sale now at the Kerr
Wednesday, January 06, 2010
Blood, Gold & Medicine: Healing Maidu Country
Join KVMR for a unique radio listening experience as part of the Wild & Scenic Film Festival opening night events. This one hour documentary explores the healing journey of the Tsi-Akim Maidu as they recover from the toxic effects of Nevada City's Gold Rush. Q & A with tribal members to follow. During the reception, enjoy the "live" indigenous sounds of flute, drum, and vocals including Neena McNair and Family Singers.
A special Native American venue is added to this year's program with a Q & A panel of film participants to compliment the Wild and Scenic Film Festival which includes actor Patrick Stewart, Visit:
Blood, Gold and Medicine: Healing Maidu Country
An Audio Documentary January 15th, 2010
Reception: 4:00 PM
Show: 5:00 PM
Q&A: 6:00 PM
106 Union St., Nevada City, CA
A national radio documentary on the local Tsi-Akim Maidu tribe had its debut this past Monday and Tuesday (November 23-24) at 6:30 p.m. on Nevada City radio station KVMR-FM (89.5).
The two-part series -- "Blood, Gold and Medicine: Healing Maidu Country" -- tells the story of the Maidu and their recovery from near-annihilation from settlers and fortune seekers in the 19th century in a pair of 30 minute segments.
Producer Estrella Acosta compiled the documentary over the past year working "in close conjunction" with the tribe after receiving a KVMR National Radio Production grant.
"This is a story that has been waiting to be told," says Acosta. "I'm thrilled to be able to offer it to a national audience."
For more information please visit, or call Estrella 530-265-2176.
Coming to Nevada City
January 15-17, 2010
8th Annual
SYRCL Wild & Scenic Film Festival
KVMR is proud to once again sponsor SYRCL's Wild & Scenic Film Festival. This year's festival is packed with incredible films as well as new and noteworthy festival additions. Join SYRCL in celebrating eight years of bringing the best in environmental film making to Nevada County.