- Colyn Petersen of Woodland Voices Flutes
- Michael Graham Allen (Coyote Oldman) of Coyote Oldman Music and Flutes
- Mac Lopez of Whirlwind Studios
- Charles and Vicky Littleleaf of Happy Valley Flutes
- Butch and Laura Hall of Butch Hall FlutesJ
- eff and JoAnn Calavan of the Oregon Flute Store
- Ed Hrebec of Spirit of the Woods Flutes
- Pat Haran of Pat Haran Flutes (Flute Photos)
- Keith Glowka of Unique Flutes with Native American Tunings (Buffalo Horn Flute)
The drawing will be held at the upcoming INAFA Convention. For more information on how to purchase raffle tickets, check out the INAFA website: http://www.inafa.org/2006convention.htm